July Books

Non-fiction: 10 (YTD 55)

Fiction (non-sf): 4 (YTD 32)

SF (non-Who): 7 (YTD 48)

Doctor Who and Torchwood: 11 (YTD 27)

Comics: 2 (YTD 18)

8 (YTD 42/199) by women (Scroggins, Lawrence, Kingston, Hopkinson/Mehan, 4 x Rayner)
2 (YTD 11/199) by PoC (Kingston, Hopkinson/Mehan)
Total page count ~8,500 (YTD 56,600)
Owned for more than a year: 5 (The Hobbit [reread], Misspent Youth, The Lost Heart of Asia [reread], So Long Been Dreaming, Chronicle in Stone)
Also reread: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (YTD 23)

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