June Books 13) Reflections on the Cyprus Problem

13) Reflections on the Cyprus Problem: A Compilation of Recent Academic Contributions, published by the Cyprus Policy Center

A selection of papers by Turkish Cypriot academics on the Cyprus issue, all supportive or at least sympathetic to their current government’s position in favour of a settlement along the lines of the Annan Plan. As usual, I found the empirical political analysis articles the most interesting, one looking at the raw numbers of how the Turkish Cypriot population shifted its support from Denktash to Talat, another looking at the repeated reconstruction of Turkish Cypriot identity (touching the interesting question of how the island’s Muslim population came to be categorised as “Turks” in the first place). There are several pieces on international legal aspects of the conflict (an old friend of mine is writing a more general book on this) and a final article applying game theory to the current impasse.

One thought on “June Books 13) Reflections on the Cyprus Problem

  1. Nicholas,

    Would “Mid Antrim” not be an appropriate enough name for the Antrim Town/Ballymena combination, seeing as the southern end of County Antrim isn’t within it (indeed it hasn’t been within “South Antrim” since 1983)? Essentially it’s a new seat so it would be fair enough to give it a new name.

    “North Antrim and Coleraine” seems a more accurate title than “Causeway Coast”.

    Paddy Matthews.

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