Latest (really stupid meme)

If you click on this you get a new entry in your livejournal with the title “interesting…” and the text “this is really interesting”. I wouldn’t bother unless you want your livejournal cluttered with entries written by other people. It seem to be stupid but not malicious. See here for further details. I did actually change my own password but consensus seems to be that that is not necessary.

One thought on “Latest (really stupid meme)

  1. As well as the usual neutral Irish pronunciation (Dro-hed-ah, with first vowel as in “drop”) there’s also the local pronunciation which sounds like Dhraaww-dah. The Ardee accent is even thicker; whenever I drive through there it amazes me that this utterly prosaic market town, essentially seen as ultimate hicksville by the rest of us, is actually Áth Fhirdia, named after one of the most poignant episodes of legend.

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