Long weekend over

I’ve realised I quite often do a Sunday night update reflecting on the week just past, which is perhaps not a bad habit to get into.

My Balkans trip was pretty invigorating from a professional point of view, and pulled me out of the post-holiday blues. Some very entertaining meetings, and very few boring ones. The one downside is that one of my bags sems to have got lost for ever. Not a huge deal – my most respectable pair of jeans; my most respectable work jacket; my Interaction t-shirt; various expendable items of underwear, and socks; and unread copies of The System of the World and Olympos which are probably the most annoying things to lose.

Great to then take the day off. Having driven all weekend two weeks ago, then four pretty intense days in the office, then seven days on the road, I would have fallen over if I’d gone into the office on Friday. Also it was U’s first day at school so I needed to be around really. I seemed to have a few days’ leave left, so enhanced family time is probably the nest way to use it.

My Grand Plan for the rest of this calendar year is to bring order to the house. Too many boxes are sitting around unsorted, some from when I changed job in 2002, some from when we moved here in 2001, some from when we moved to Belgium in 1999; I dread to think what may be in them. I’ve got through two big ones this weekend, and found all kinds of things, for instance an unanswered postcard from ten years ago – I googled the sender, found a likely email address, and sent a quick “Hi, sorry I didn’t reply in 1994” type message. Maybe I’ll hear back.

Also went to IKEA on Friday to buy some more bookshelves (mysteriously the shelves we have appear to have more than filled up). Orignally the plan was to put them in F’s room but he didn’t really want them, and in fact there’s a much better argument for them going into ours.

I tried to replace my lost clothes on Saturday, and then K (who is on livejournal but never uses his account) came down from Antwerp and we watched Alien, the Director’s Cut – frankly I don’t know the film well enough to spot the differences but I enjoyed it as ever.

Today was the annual village fete, an enjoyable event which I’ll try and remember to invite people to come along to next year. I’ll also remember to get a babysitter; we had to go in shifts with F, but did some decent shopping for the grownups (a Thunderbirds video for me, a Rubik’s cube for Anne).

Feeling very tired now, but ready for the week ahead.

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