Maastricht and links

Got away, thanks to mother-in-law’s baby-sitting, for 23 hours with my wife to Maastricht, chosen pretty much at random from nearby cities we haven’t really been to.

Verdict: Don’t go on a Monday, when all the famous museums are closed; don’t go while it’s still snowing. Apart from that, it was fine.

Particularly intrigued by the exhibition in the treasury of the church of St Servatius. One fascinating exhibit was a small ivory chest, with a combination lock, made in Sicily (they said) in the twelfth century. The combination for the lock was set on four dials with Arabic letters. Of course at the time the Norman kingdom of Sicily was pretty much at the cutting edge of scientific research in the world (except perhaps China).

While I’ve been away, has been playing the Napoleonic scenario of Civ III and has been dealing with plumbers and fixing radiators, “without even spraining an ovary”.

One thought on “Maastricht and links

  1. I think you may be confusing this with some other book, because whether or not you find the joke title funny, nobody could accuse the contributors of being fixated on New Who. The cover art even features a woman wearing a Tom Baker scarf.

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