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Sat, 12:56 : RT @Pseudo_Isidore : “I never thought leopards would eat *my* face”.
Sat, 15:28 : RT @TheFabledAesop : Matthew Parris on Boris Johnson in The Times. Thanks to @PaddyBriggs for the screenshot.
Sat, 15:46 : Soylent Green (1973) and Make Room! Make Room! (1966)
Sat, 16:05 : RT @DavidGauke : I’ve had sympathy for the Government during the CV crisis but it’s hard to argue it’s been a good couple of weeks for the G…
Sat, 19:37 : RT @britainelects : Scottish independence voting intention: Yes: 48% (+2) No: 45% (-1) — Excl. undecideds: Yes: 52% (+2) No: 48% (-2) v…
Sat, 20:48 : Why Do Republican Leaders Continue to Enable Trump? Searing again from @AnneApplebaum . Inte…
Sat, 21:00 : RT @AndrewPRLevi : @nwbrux @anneapplebaum A superb article, which presents urgent questions for politicians & officials, not just in but…
Sun, 10:45 : A New Incarnation of Latin in China, by Yongyi Li Fascinating!
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