My tweets

  • Thu, 20:48: Damn. I missed this news last week. A lovely guy and a great man.
  • Thu, 22:59: Britannia waives the rules. Or tries to.
  • Thu, 23:24: I see some commentators this evening suggesting that with Alex Easton’s resignation from the DUP, SF are now the largest party in the Assembly and that this is the first time Nationalists have been in that position.
  • Fri, 06:21: When I was a teenager, I used to sit up all night watching by-election results. Now I am 54 and live in a different time zone, I can just get up early instead.
  • Fri, 06:25: RT @lewis_goodall: NEW: LABOUR HOLD BATLEY AND SPEN Results LABOUR: 13296 CONSERVATIVE:12973 GALLOWAY: 8264 LIB DEM: 1254 YORKSHIRE: 816…
  • Fri, 09:28: Today’s important life lesson: don’t pull a funny face just before the interview, it may end up getting broadcast. (Interviewed by Albanian TV about EU policy towards their country.)
  • Fri, 10:45: The global normalcy index How close is your country to getting back to the pre-pandemic normal?

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