- Sun, 16:41: October 2021 books https://t.co/g2ATY774Vn
- Sun, 20:48: RT @leonardocarella: I have no reasons to question the reporting of a story on the Prime minister by, respectively, the godfather to the Pr…
- Mon, 09:59: Celtic new year resolution: get more exercise. https://t.co/7VKKKFEjpd https://t.co/UvyCQs8pgk
- Mon, 10:06: RT @nickjbarlow: One British journalist mistranslates a letter in French. Others just running with that as they don’t have the skills to ch…
- Mon, 10:14: Doctor Who’s The Halloween Apocalypse is like a series finale, but backwards – Radio Times Good analysis. I enjoyed it (and am not particularly interested in hearing why you didn’t). https://t.co/vysumm6Blj
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