My tweets

  • Tue, 15:52: Belgian health ministers have agreed that starting 10 January people who are fully vaccinated will no longer need to quarantine when they have had a high-risk contact for coronavirus.
  • Tue, 18:51: Seven Deadly Sins, by various writers and artists
  • Tue, 18:54: An Excess Male, by Maggie Shen King
  • Tue, 20:27: RT @DenisMacShane: My grandson will live in 22nd century. Meanwhile tonight Soho newsagent tells me all deliveries of papers from Europe su…
  • Wed, 10:45: This, for me, is the weirdest lie of all. I occasionally lunch with EU celebrities in the brasseries near PLux or Schuman. Everyone else in the restaurant is going, oh look who it is, and they’re with that weird Irish chap. And nobody noticed a prince in Pizza Express? Nobody?

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