Mon, 16:05: RT @lennylaw: Matthew Parris has made no secret of his detestation of Boris and, as such, when he decides to put the shoe in, he does it wi…
Mon, 18:17: Northern Ireland a Generation after Good Friday, C. Coulter, N. Gilmartin, K. Hayward, P. Shirlow
Mon, 20:48: Just been fiddling around with @TheStorygraph as an alternative to @goodreads and @LibraryThing. Wow, what a terrible user interface! Can’t easily browse your own reviews, can’t find other people’s, can’t find your friends to link with them. I think I’ll stick with what I’ve got.
Tue, 09:12: RT @GavinBarwell: Let me put this politely: it is not *entirely clear* why the Prime Minister needs to wait for Sue Gray’s report to find o…
Tue, 10:45: RT @DPhinnemore: ‘Truss has struck a warmer tone than Frost… and [promised] “constructive proposals” to break the deadlock. ‘But official…
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