- Sat, 12:56: How Did E.E. Smith Become “Doc”? https://t.co/alClz0hyar In case you were wondering.
- Sat, 14:48: Dutch King Willem-Alexander retires coach amid slavery row – BBC News https://t.co/tfFGTgqpE3 We saw a really interesting (and horrifying) display about this at the @HaagsHistorisch Museum in The Hague.
- Sat, 16:05: ‘Don’t Look Up’ Doesn’t Get the Climate Crisis https://t.co/niI0uhnfFG A detailed critique.
- Sat, 16:50: A Radical Romance, by Alison Light https://t.co/nu4tu1eNdP
- Sat, 17:58: Don’t Look Up https://t.co/ES95T4mpe3
- Sat, 18:31: Saturday reading https://t.co/E4xTStKXEn
- Sun, 00:28: RT @rantingkat: “He’s so worried he’s almost doing his job”
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