Sat, 16:05: One of the greatest footnotes of all time (from Alice L. Miller’s extremely interesting valedictory paper on Analys…
Would you mind spoiling the twist at the end of Parasite? You’re welcome to do it on my discussion of Parasite on my blog if you’d rather not post that kind of spoiler here. I made it about 3/4 of the way through, was sick of the zombies already, and realized that I hadn’t learned anything interesting yet that I hadn’t figured out at the beginning of the book, so I put it down and moved on. But I’m curious. 🙂
Would you mind spoiling the twist at the end of Parasite? You’re welcome to do it on my discussion of Parasite on my blog if you’d rather not post that kind of spoiler here. I made it about 3/4 of the way through, was sick of the zombies already, and realized that I hadn’t learned anything interesting yet that I hadn’t figured out at the beginning of the book, so I put it down and moved on. But I’m curious. 🙂