Sun, 16:05: How Ireland Outmaneuvered Britain on Brexit – Bloomberg If you haven’t seen it already, this is a very good summary.
Sun, 20:48: RT @ticiaverveer: The frozen ground of the Altai Mountains preserved this beautifully detailed Scythian woman’s boot for over 2,300 years.…
Mon, 08:58: RT @timoconnorbl: @ottocrat The argument, “This is absurd to all so it can’t persuade anyone” is not one I would be eager to run in the tee…
I must have missed this when you posted it in 2006. I knew that area of Brussels reasonably well, and had a bank account in Galerie Ravenstein which caused me to walk up there reasonably frequently, and somethimes eat my lunch in the park outside the Royal Palace. It is very weird to see the Cathedral with an entirely different cityscape stretching out before it.
I must have missed this when you posted it in 2006. I knew that area of Brussels reasonably well, and had a bank account in Galerie Ravenstein which caused me to walk up there reasonably frequently, and somethimes eat my lunch in the park outside the Royal Palace. It is very weird to see the Cathedral with an entirely different cityscape stretching out before it.