- Sun, 12:56: RT @BrigidLaffan: This is a brilliant historical dissection of the fork in the road that Britain finds itself. Why no contemporary Cobden?…
- Sun, 13:27: As usual, an excellent thread on the Brexit state of affairs from @PMDFoster, who I rate as the clearest-thinking U… https://t.co/BgNly7y1Qn
- Sun, 14:48: RT @jasonomahony: Why would anyone believe the promise that the UK won’t concede food safety in trade talks from the same people who swore…
- Sun, 16:05: RT @uk_domain_names: Defra has put out a detailed Brexit preparedness notice, explaining exactly how dead the UK fisheries industry will be…
- Sun, 16:10: This is a thread about how Leavers are wrong about EU perceptions of the UK position on “No Deal”, ie leaving the E… https://t.co/KS5k8tJ4tO
- Sun, 17:57: RT @duncan_morrow: Interesting thread, and a perspective seldom understood in the UK press.. Especially this one. https://t.co/kTDhqGs7LV
- Sun, 18:17: RT @davecl42: Recommended thread… https://t.co/5kprkge9aN
- Sun, 18:37: RT @Matthew_Kilburn: Conclusion of a thread from thoughtful observer @nwbrux . https://t.co/AJFVXyl9bn
- Sun, 18:45: Proving one of my earlier points. https://t.co/YQWvyMzPGx
- Sun, 18:57: RT @s13GES: Not much to add, just one point: The effect of no deal may help to sharpen focus on UK side (at the very least it helps to make…
- Sun, 19:17: RT @phunt72: Another informative thread from a non uk perspective https://t.co/2fOmiYSWY5
- Sun, 19:37: RT @pmdfoster: Why the ‘no deal’ #Brexit brinkmanship was always a bit of a chmiera https://t.co/nQ2E961KXo
- Sun, 19:57: RT @amcunningham: Yes, situation is just as bad as you thought 🙁 https://t.co/HoujusT0SF
- Sun, 20:00: 300 hours to go to make your Hugo nominations! https://t.co/nFTRHRtVbA
- Sun, 20:17: RT @marxculture: This https://t.co/eMWBeekVfd
- Sun, 20:37: RT @Alanfrancis_IFA: Excellent thread – No Deal still a possibility unless May gets backing of Parliament on March 12th. https://t.co/ut2bk…
- Sun, 20:48: How Brexit Britain Managed to Lose All of Its Friends https://t.co/HeC4Vapo6Y Briefly stated.
- Sun, 20:57: RT @Bergmann_Mat: Good analysis of EU position. No deal #brexit isnt a threat against EU. Its not perceived as one. Mood here is best summa…
- Sun, 21:17: RT @BrigidLaffan: Excellent thread – must read https://t.co/7e9RyoCxBL
- Sun, 21:37: RT @Muinchille: Very well put; sweetness on the desert air, sadly… https://t.co/t0RXajKHO5
- Sun, 21:57: RT @HuwSayer: THIS! https://t.co/fYYD6JJGQL
- Sun, 22:17: RT @Aisling_Pash: They made it easy for us with the likes of him and Rees Mogg, Farage et al. Cartoon characters don’t have credibility in…
- Sun, 22:37: RT @WritersFrock: Great thread. The EU will rescue the Brits from no deal, but only if they do something other than repeat requests for the…
- Sun, 22:57: RT @neilclan: Great thread https://t.co/JXFGsZDNb3
- Mon, 07:11: RT @guyverhofstadt: Orban will replace the posters attacking Juncker with posters against Timmermans. Will the @EPP return to silent mode b…
- Mon, 09:17: RT @cthrnpckrsgl: Excellent and informative thread… https://t.co/HLYSTlDVkQ
- Mon, 09:47: RT @CoraBuhlert: Thread: https://t.co/d53214oPcP
- Mon, 10:17: RT @StevieMcCaffery: Read #Brexit thread by @nwbrux, including: “good close future relationship with UK is very desirable, but UK needs fir…
- Mon, 10:45: It sends the signal that shooting unarmed civilians is murder. https://t.co/3cwMlMFdbe
- Mon, 10:47: RT @Oxenstierna_IRL: good coherent thread on effects of cumulative disenchantment in Brussels/EU27 with UK seriousness & commitment to reac…
- Mon, 11:17: RT @cathalmalone: Is any of this controversial? https://t.co/5TFlb6kwEC
- Mon, 11:26: RT @APCOBXLInsider: Wondering what impact France’s #La_RepubliqueEM will have on the #EU2019 elections and beyond? Look no further, @yberto…
- Mon, 11:47: RT @bjacollins: Excellent thread by someone who understands EU from the inside on #Brexit https://t.co/cVsGyGBRFr
I don’t remember it being very long and my Penguin certainly doesn’t take up that much room on my shelf. Mind you, my 20 year old self didn’t notice small print so much, I read it in between my BA and MA when anything that was in English was comparatively easy going.