My tweets

  • Wed, 12:55: RT @BenLowry2: This ought to be self evident but apparently isn’t,eg a voter might dislike a party that has 3 candidates but not mind one o…
  • Wed, 12:56: RT @JoatStewart: Jack Cohen died peacefully on 6 May. He was a close friend and colleague for 30 years, and I will always remember him with…
  • Wed, 15:55: Well done @epc_eu for gender-balanced panel on Montenegro.
  • Wed, 16:35: RT @MelisssfMelissa: Should schools in the UK be forced to teac Arabic numerals as part of the curriculum?
  • Wed, 18:16: The Botany of Desire, by Michael Pollan
  • Wed, 19:22: RT @jasonomahony: Only one person in this photo can never be head of state of either the United Kingdom or the United States, and the only…
  • Wed, 21:59: RT @WeyandSabine: Great read – fascinating reminder of the 1950s debate on „customs union vs FTA“ pitching UK against EEC6. And I’d forgott…
  • Thu, 10:45: Lyra McKee’s partner: Theresa May ‘derelict in her duties to Northern Ireland’ Hard to disagree with any of this.

One thought on “My tweets

  1. From memory, a good deal of The Acts of the Apostles is set in Turkey, though I’m not sure whether it’s ever been sold separately.

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