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Sun, 12:56 : RT @MitchBenn : Who knew that telling literally half the country to fuck off was bad for business?
Sun, 14:48 : Crying in the archive: The story of Diana Bromley A story of racism, mental illness and stiff upper lips.
Sun, 15:08 : The oldest shop at Finaghy crossroads
Sun, 16:05 : The Atlas of Hillforts of Great Britain and Ireland What it says on the tin.
Sun, 20:48 : Golden Toilet Stolen From the U.K.’s Blenheim Palace Police looking for something to go on.
Sun, 21:47 : RT @molloy1916 : What goes around… September 10th, 1919, the British government suspends Dail. September 10th, 2019, the British governm…
Mon, 08:40 : Say, @delijn , is the 337 no longer going to stop in front of Leuven railway station, but instead at Perron 15, the…
Mon, 09:40 : RT @PadraigBelton : Cameron was due to face PMQs as opposition leader the day after his son Ivan died, aged six. But Gordon Brown adjourned…
Mon, 10:45 : A United Ireland could cost the state €30 billion according to new study With reputable aut…
Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy (a chapter a day)
You must be getting close to the end! There are 239 chapters, so if you started on 1st October, 2014, then the last chapter will be read on 27th May, 2015.