- Thu, 12:56: Home Office apologises for ordering man born in Britain to leave UK https://t.co/fGuY4qm7yi Shameful, yet again.
- Thu, 16:05: RT @RobDotHutton: Basically, the Home Office is best able to resolve cases once they’ve been explained to it by a national newspaper. https…
- Thu, 16:49: RT @JolyonMaugham: What? Their focus is on doing what’s right for the EU? Not on cosseting the dignity of jingoists? Well, I never. https:/…
- Thu, 16:50: RT @GuitarMoog: This was the most startling part of the press conference, & is indeed a very bad place to be at this stage. UKGov appears t…
- Thu, 18:46: August Books https://t.co/u7zd54k8GE
- Thu, 19:35: RT @Dimitrov_Nikola: Pleased to welcome FM @NikosKotzias! We had an honest discussion – the only way to build long-lasting trust and friend…
- Thu, 19:36: Excellent thread. https://t.co/hSJzJAVpy1
- Thu, 20:03: RT @DaveedDiggs: . @worldcon75 hosted a fantastic #TheHugoAwards in Helsinki! Congrats to all the winners! Thanks for letting @clppng be a…
- Thu, 20:38: RT @nickhopkinsonEU: EU27 know Commission leads on trade. UK attempts to undermine Barnier will backfire @tradedealwatch @City_Livery_SM @t…
- Thu, 20:48: RT @CER_EU: Will German parties use their bargaining chips in coalition negotiations on the #Brexit question? Probably not: https://t.co/Pc…
- Fri, 09:31: RT @rafaelbehr: This time last year David David was predicting UK would be well into global free trade deal talks by now, in parallel with…
- Fri, 09:51: The Trip, directed by Tracy Mathews https://t.co/b0RahvfEMZ
- Fri, 10:45: RT @vincecable: Govt now wants to copy and paste EU trade deals. Instead of jet-setting round the world, Liam Fox could be left in a room w…