Thu, 19:04: RT @TolkienSociety: Christopher Tolkien has died at the age of 95. The Tolkien Society sends its deepest condolences to Baillie, Simon, Ada…
Fri, 10:45: RT @simonjhix: The last day of UK MEPs in the EP in Strasbourg. I was an intern in the EP during my PhD in 1994, and got to know many great…
Fri, 11:31: RT @pmdfoster: It beggars belief that we’re back to ‘no deal’ threats again – and cab ministers who say trading with EU on WTO terms “isn’t…
Congratulations! Your combination of experience and skills makes you a brilliant choice, and Worldcon 75 – and the Hugos – are fortunate to have you. Good luck with it; whatever the challenges, I think it will be both fascinating and exciting. Enjoy it!
Congratulations! Your combination of experience and skills makes you a brilliant choice, and Worldcon 75 – and the Hugos – are fortunate to have you. Good luck with it; whatever the challenges, I think it will be both fascinating and exciting. Enjoy it!