- Fri, 12:30: First time here, in 21 years in Brussels! A bit more Belgian than most of PLux… (@ Le Pullman in Ixelles / Elsene… https://t.co/EfXZhgmJn9
- Fri, 12:33: RT @IFAD: Climate change will likely make food less available and more difficult to access. #IFAD and #FAO strive to defeat hunger, incre…
- Fri, 12:56: John Roberts comes face to face with the mess he made https://t.co/Q22SvCNZqY Succinctly put. I remember saying at… https://t.co/s1lig4fP2K
- Fri, 16:05: The Search for Dark Matter Depends on Sunken Ships https://t.co/Kzssz8fRTd Interesting piece about use of Roman lea… https://t.co/yMjs0s52tp
- Fri, 18:18: Auguria, by Peter Nuyten https://t.co/tiEc8VSivJ
- Fri, 18:26: RT @dmcbfs: The former Deputy First Minister and @SDLPlive Deputy Leader, Seamus Mallon has died.
- Fri, 19:07: RT @SJAMcBride: Seamus Mallon was one of the biggest beasts of NI politics throughout & after the Troubles. But away from politics, this 20…
- Fri, 19:09: I am not sure that this actually proves the point. https://t.co/GfvRaAk4qu
- Fri, 19:30: RT @CharlesTannock: What self serving nonsense. Just an excuse to charge more for a propriety charger. Bring on universal chargers based on…
- Fri, 19:35: RT @ClaireHanna: So grateful to have spent an afternoon with Seamas Mallon earlier this month, soaking up learning for the years ahead. A m…
- Fri, 20:41: RT @BorisJohnson: Seamus Mallon made an extraordinary contribution to democracy and peace in Northern Ireland. I want to express my sincere…
- Fri, 20:47: RT @davidallengreen: A document that, in substance, he voted against twice and over which he, in effect, brought down the last prime minist…
- Fri, 20:48: RT @pmdfoster: We often hear #brexit economic forecasts were all wrong. Nothing has happened! The doomsters were wrong! Not right, per fa…
- Fri, 20:51: RT @markdurkan: Poignant to remember that 34 years ago today (24Jan ’86) #SeamusMallon was declared as MP for Newry&Armagh. (By-elections c…
- Sat, 10:45: RT @micktheejit: RIP Seamus Mallon The final lines in his book, released this year: “As I prepare to take my leave of our shared home pla…
Wow, congratulations! I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have doing it.