Pleasant start to the day

As previously noted, I work right on the Rondpoint Schuman in the heart of the European quarter (hence, indeed, the name of this blog, though that actually dates from my previous job which was further away).

For once all the train connections worked better than usual this morning, and I got to the office early; but I had skipped breakfast at home, so I decided to have a quick bite at the cafe on the ground floor of our building, sitting outside at one of the tables overlooking the square.

Normally a rather unpleasantly bustling hub of activity, it’s a bit quieter today because of the EU summit, which is taking place literally next door to my building. The whole square is blocked off by barbed wire and you can only get in with a special pass pre-signed by the Chief of Police, backed up by your passport. But the sunshine was mellow, and my croissant/coffee/juice hit the spot.

And now it’s time for work.

One thought on “Pleasant start to the day

  1. Uhm. Yes it has. An alternate present-day or future world in which people are executed by tar-pit? Speculative fiction.

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