Again, bolded those of you who I’ve actualy met; rather a change compared with two weeks ago.
ajshepherd, akicif, alarielle, alexmc, alliemay, andwatagain, andyhat, ang_grrr, annafdd, artw, autopope, aynathie, banskid, barsine, blonde222, bouncingbelle, bricoleur, bring_back_food, brisingamen, britzkrieg, burkesworks, busarewski, butterbee, captain_wesker, ccfinlay, cdpoint, ceemage, chance88088, chernikovsun, cherylmorgan, chess, chilperic, coalescent, communicator, crazysoph, creaney, crystalfrog, cwgerard, cygny, dace_holenfor, daegaer, davesangel, davidstewart, deadspeaker, deannawol, dear_hubby, deborah_c, despotliz, djm4, dougs, eastethnia, eiko82, eimear_rose, elise, ephiriel, etherealfionna, eugie, eyeliner297, feorag, fjm, flemmarde, fluffcthulhu, flyingsauce, givali, grahamsleight, greengolux, gummitch, h0pal0ng, habseligkeit, hawkida, hddod, hedgetrimmer, hells_librarian, hfnuala, ianmcdonald, ias, inner_storm, irishlass04, jacobsmills, james_nicoll, jdigital, jere7my, juleske, kate_nepveu, kcjones, kenmaher, kharin, kradical, kulfuldi, las, lauriemann, leedy, leex, leila_azziza, liadnan, lopt, lostcarpark, luned, major_clanger, marykaykare, megolas, mevennen, mik_yesha, minny, mireille21, mr_renaissance, msisolak, mylescorcoran, nalsa, nancylebov, natural20, new_brunette, nhw, nickbarnes, ninebelow, nmg, nrivkis, nyphur, omegar, original_kaos, papersky, peake, pickwick, pnh, politicinternet, prosewitch, purple_pen, purplecthulhu, purplepooka, pvaneynd, qatsi, qdbii, rangerdewshine, redbird, rfmcdpei, rozk, rparvaaz, sammywol, sbisson, scattyme, sdn, seawasp, sevenorora, shsilver, shutters_i, silk_noir, sinclair_furie, sisterdew, skyra123, slovobooks, smhwpf, sneerpout, srk1, stellanova, stilldancer, sugarimp, sulkyblue, susansugarspun, swisstone, synan, tamaranth, theferrett, thette, ticking_fool, tnh, vnp, watervole, wiselamb, wwhyte, wyvernfriend, yhlee, yonmei, yourownmeretrix, zhaneel69.
I noticed , and in passing at Worldcon but didn’t quite manage to talk to them.
Slightly baffled by this – seems to have worked OK for 19 people so far, but it may be penalising those whose literary tastes are too similar to mine…