September Books 12) Emerald Eye

12) Emerald Eye: The Best Irish Imaginative Fiction, ed. Frank Ludlow & Roelof Goudriaan

Alas, few of these were to my taste, tending as they did towards horror with themes of sordid seduction or bodily dismemberment. The one story that I really did enjoy was a James White piece, “Custom Fitting”, about a bespoke tailor kitting out an alien ambassador. Honourable mentions also to Dermot Ryan for his riff on Milton in “The Burnished Egg”, and to Nigel Quinlan for “The Invisible Man Game” which seemed a cut above the other dark stories in the collection. And Bob Shaw’s “The Gioconda Caper” also raised a smile.

One thought on “September Books 12) Emerald Eye

  1. I’ve been a Rosling fangirl ever since watching his TED talk. Statistics + social justice = WIN.

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