Another film set in 2025, and another 2025 story set around a ridiculously violent reality game, in this case called Futuresport. It has been invented to resolve gang violence by getting them to play Futuresport against each other instead. The top American team is led by a guy who looks like Superman, because he is played by Dean Cain. The top Asian team challenges the American to a match to decide who owns Hawaii, because Hawaiian terrorists have been blowing things up. It is exactly as stupid as I make it sound. You’ll never guess who wins in the end.
In its favour, there is one half-decent sex scene, right at the beginning to make you keep watching in hope that there is another, and the violence is not as gruesome as, say, Endgame / Bronx Lotta Finale. But the game itself is rather dull, which doesn’t help.
Set in 2025:
Television: The Outer Limits: The Duplicate Man (1964)
Film: Endgame (Bronx lotta finale) (1983); Future Hunters (1986); Futuresport (1998); Timecop 2: The Berlin Decision (2003)
Novels: 334 (1972); Titan (1979); The Running Man (1982); The Lake at the End of the World (1988); Tom Clancy’s Net Force Explorers: Virtual Vandals (1998); A Friend of the Earth (2000); The Peshawar Lancers (2002)
Comics: The Nikopol Trilogy: The Woman Trap (1986); Superman & Batman: Generations III #2: Doomsday Minus One (2003)
I know you’ve done this for a few years. It be really interesting (no idea how you’d do it, mind you) to sort of rank positiveness of potential future Vs when the thing was created Vs how far away it was from year X.
I have not tallied, but my sense is that 2025 is one of the more gloomy years so far.
It definitely feels that way. Also I swear the earlier writers were more hopeful (for occasionally odd concepts of that)