Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy (a chapter a day)
Watership Down, by Richard Adams (a chapter a week)
Grave Matter, by Justin Richards
The Charm of Belgium, by Brian Lunn
Last books finished
Lethbridge-Stewart: The Forgotten Son, by Andy Frankham-Allen
The Jonah Kit, by Ian Watson
Last week’s audios
Next books
The Wretched of the Earth, by Frantz Fanon
With The Light Vol 8, by Keiko Tobe
Last Resort, by Paul Leonard
Books acquired in last week
An Age of Licence, by Lucy Knisley
De Maagd en de Neger, by Judith Vanistendael
George Orwell, in “Decline of the English Murder“, was astute about the buttons being pushed in these ‘cosy’ murder mysteries: