None that grabbed me.
ii) broadcast anniversaries
16th September 1967: broadcast of episode 3 of Tomb of the Cybermen. The Cybermen reveal their plan to convert all the explorers into Cybermen; the expedition have different views on this prospect.
16th September 1978: broadcast of episode 3 of The Ribos Operation. K9 rescues the Doctor and Romana from the Graff, but they encounter him again in the catacombs (with Binro the Heretic).
16th September 1909: Martha and the Tenth Doctor get caught up in Lord Haleston’s hunt for monsters near the Lake District village of Templewell (in Stephen Cole’s 2007 novel, Sting of the Zygons).
Hooper was evidently unwilling to back down over his belief that the car was called Betsy. Nevertheless, it’s a good piece of boy’s paper journalism in the Eagle tradition.