Way way behind with book- and audio-blogging. A quieter week or two ahead, I hope, so I may be able to catch up.
As I’ve said before, I’m really not a huge fan of the Trial of a Time Lord season of classic Who; but as I’ve said on Manother occasion recently, Big Finish have proved capable of mining the rubble for jewels, and this is an excellent coda to the season, 27 years on: Colin Baker, Michael Jayston and Lynda Bellingham are renited as the Sixth Doctor, the Valeyard and the Prosecutor for a trial drama that picks up the rather tangled threads of Time Lord lore and the Valeyard’s own intricate relationshp with the Doctor, and weaves them into something new. My favourite moment was quite near the beginning, when the Doctor, initially somewhat disinclined to act as the Valeyard’s defence counsel in a rigged trial, becomes sufficiently outraged by the Time Lords’ conduct of proceedings to take on the challenge. In general, there are three seasoned performers here, particularly Jayston, who slip back into their previous parts with a real injection of adrenalin. Much better than I expected, even with the more than reliable Alan Barnes as co-author.