Nothing that caught my eye for this date.
ii) webcast anniversary
13 July 2001: release of the pilot webcast episode of Death Comes To Time, the weirdly canon-violating and very long Seventh Doctor story, basically an audio with animation.
iii) dates specified in canon
13 July 1643: the battle of Little Hodcombe, and surrounding time-travel events involving the Fifth Doctor, as shown in The Awakening (1984).
13 July 1964: the events of the earlier phase of Whatever Happened To Sarah Jane? – was it Andrea or Sarah who drowned? The best of the first series of SJA for my money.
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They missed the verse where Jesus said Marriage–the traditional marriage- was not for everyone. He talks about eunuchs made of men and of nature as an example and said the marriage and the laws concerning marriage was not intended for them.