18 July 1926: birth of Robert Sloman, who co-wrote The Dæmons (1971), and was sole author of The Time Monster (1972), The Green Death (1973), and Planet of the Spiders (1974) – the season finales for all but the first of the Pertwee years.
18 July 1967: birth of Paul Cornell, who wrote televised stories Father’s Day (2005) and Human Nature / The Family of Blood (2007), the latter based on one of his eight Who novels, and the webcast alternative Ninth Doctor story The Scream of the Shalka (2003), as well as four-and-a-bit Big Finish audios, contributing to The Discontinuity Guide, and editing one of the Short Trips anthologies. If you’re reading this, happy birthday, Paul!
18 July 2006: death of David Maloney, who was one of the great directors of the classic series: The Mind Robber (1968), The Krotons (1968-69), The War Games (1969), Frontier in Space (1963), Planet of the Daleks (1963), Genesis of the Daleks (1975), Planet of Evil (1975), The Deadly Assassin (1976), and The Talons of Weng-Chiang (1977) all benefited from his talents.
ii) broadcast aniversaries
18 July 1964: broadcast of ‘A Race Against Death’, the fourth episode of what we now call The Sensorites. The Doctor is trying to save Ian, and tracks down the poison in the city’s water supply to its source. But something ‘orrible lurks in the tunnels…
It’s also an article from fucking *2007*! Nothing to do with this year’s floods or bishops…