Why ћ is not the same letter as ħ

I’ve had a comment from a reader of my language quiz who complains that the Serbian letter ћ is not unique to that language, but is also found in Maltese. Well, no, not really; the Serbian ћ is Cyrillic, and its upper case equivalent is Ћ, whereas the Maltese letter ħ is based on the Latin h, and its upper case equivalent is Ħ. Also (though of course this is not decisive) they are pronounced completely differently, the Serbian Ћ/ћ a bit like English “tch”, and the Maltese Ħ/ħ much more like a heavy English “h” (the Maltese H/h without the cross stroke is much softer).

Just thought you should know.

One thought on “Why ћ is not the same letter as ħ

  1. Pertwee is really hard. Maybe Invasion of the Dinosaurs 1? It might suit someone older better though. Same for Ambassadors of Death 1.

    TBaker: Ark in Space 1, for sure. Though Deadly Assassin and Talons also have great openers.

    Davison: Kinda 1 is great but maybe a bit too character-driven for an 11-year-old boy. I think I have to go for Earthshock 1 as the thrill-a-minute winner.

    CBaker: OH MY GOD. Well, Revelation 1 will do I suppose. Mindwarp 1 actually isn’t bad but is mainly setup.

    McCoy: A lot of good episode 1s here. Ghost Light 1 is one of my favourite episode 1s ever; Fenric 1 must be good because all of Fenric is good; or if you can stomach it, Remembrance 1 because IT GOES UP THE STAIRS.

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