I’ve had a comment from a reader of my language quiz who complains that the Serbian letter ћ is not unique to that language, but is also found in Maltese. Well, no, not really; the Serbian ћ is Cyrillic, and its upper case equivalent is Ћ, whereas the Maltese letter ħ is based on the Latin h, and its upper case equivalent is Ħ. Also (though of course this is not decisive) they are pronounced completely differently, the Serbian Ћ/ћ a bit like English “tch”, and the Maltese Ħ/ħ much more like a heavy English “h” (the Maltese H/h without the cross stroke is much softer).
Just thought you should know.
Pertwee is really hard. Maybe Invasion of the Dinosaurs 1? It might suit someone older better though. Same for Ambassadors of Death 1.
TBaker: Ark in Space 1, for sure. Though Deadly Assassin and Talons also have great openers.
Davison: Kinda 1 is great but maybe a bit too character-driven for an 11-year-old boy. I think I have to go for Earthshock 1 as the thrill-a-minute winner.
CBaker: OH MY GOD. Well, Revelation 1 will do I suppose. Mindwarp 1 actually isn’t bad but is mainly setup.
McCoy: A lot of good episode 1s here. Ghost Light 1 is one of my favourite episode 1s ever; Fenric 1 must be good because all of Fenric is good; or if you can stomach it, Remembrance 1 because IT GOES UP THE STAIRS.