2021 Hugos: Best Artist categories

As I always say, I don't know much about art, but I know what I like. And I like the work of all of these artists. Without further commentary, my votes this year are as follows:

Best Professional Artist
6) Tommy Arnold
5) Rovina Cai
4) Alyssa Winans
3) Galen Dara
2) Maurizio Manzieri
1) John Picacio
Best Fan Artist
6) Cyan Daly
5) Grace P. Fong
4) Laya Rose
3) Maya Hahto
2) Sara Felix
1) Iain Clark

2021 Hugos: Best Novel | Best Novella | Best Novelette | Best Short Story | Best Series | Best Related Work | Best Graphic Story or Comic | Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form | Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form | Best Professional Artist and Best Fan Artist | Lodestar | Astounding

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