Asquith’s notes, 1 August 1914

When most of them had left, Sir W. Tyrrell arrived with a long message from Berlin to the effect that the German Ambassador’s efforts for peace had been suddenly arrested and frustrated by the Tsar’s decree for a complete Russian mobilisation. We all set to work, Tyrrell, Bongie [Sir Maurice Bonham Carter, the author’s private secretary – HHA], [Eric] Drummond and myself, to draft a direct personal appeal from the King to the Tsar. When we had settled it I called a taxi, and, in company with Tyrell, drove to Buckingham Palace at about 1.30 a.m. The King was hauled out of his bed, and one of my strangest experiences was sitting with him, clad in a dressing gown, while I read the message and the proposed answer.

There was really no fresh news this morning. Lloyd George, all for peace, is more sensible and statesmanlike for keeping the position still open. Grey declares that if an out-and-out and uncompromising policy of non-intervention at all costs is adopted he will go. Winston [Churchill] very bellicose and demanding immediate mobilization. The main controversy pivots upon Belgium and its neutrality. We parted in fairly amicable mood and are to sit again at 11 o’clock tomorrow, Sunday. I am still not quite hopeless about peace, though far from hopeful, but if it comes to war I feel sure that we shall have a split in the Cabinet. Of course if Grey went I should go and the whole thing would break up. On the other hand, we may have to contemplate, with such equanimity as we can command, the loss of [Viscount (John)] Morley and possibly, though I do not think it, of [Sir John]Simon.

[See also Economist article of this date:]

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