Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, by J. K. Rowling, John Tiffany and Jack Thorne

Second line of dialogue of Act 1 Scene 3:

ROSE GRANGER-WEASLEY (spotting ALBUS POTTER's loving look at the Chocolate Frogs):
Al. We need to concentrate.

Though described as the canonical eighth Harry Potter story, the central character is his and Ginny's son Albus, who faces parental disappointment partly because of his friendship with Scorpius Malfoy, son of Draco, and decides to right the wrongs done by the youthful Harry to Cedric Diggory during the events of Goblet of Fire (which I think is the best of the original series). It is enjoyable enough, but I felt the central narrative was a bit overstrained (and the female characters overshadowed, apart from the duplicitous Delphi), The plot revolves around time travel and paradoxes, and I think honours the source material well, taking us back not only to the Tri-Wizard Tournament but also to the murder of Harry's parents in Godric's Hollow, forcing everyone to confront their own pasts and alternative presents (there's a particularly grim moment for Hermione and Ron in one of the alternative timelines). It would be nice to see it on stage of course, but this will do.

This topped three of my lists simultaneously – the most popular unread book by a woman, most popular unread book acquired in 2016, and most popular unread sf book. Next in those respective lists are The Help by Katherine Stockett in the first, and The Past Through Tomorrow by Robert A. Heinlein in the second and third.