- Crisis of capitalism? Perhaps, but don’t blame it on globalisation
- Governments chose austerity; they were not forced.
(tags: economics ) - Six in ten around the world think their society is ‘broken’
- Though the picture is mixed.
(tags: politics economics ) - Trump vexed by challenges, scale of government
- Diddums.
(tags: Uspolitics )
Silence in the Library is terrific. If you don’t like it, you’re probably not going to like New Who at all, because it’s kind of the concentrated essence of the first four years of the show.
I’m ambivalent about Midnight. I like the “monster” — it’s just a woman who repeats things! And I absolutely love the fact that we never find out what the hell was really going on. The knocking, the destruction of the cab… no explanation. That’s great, and I have no desire to ever revisit that planet — let the mystery stay a mystery.
But it’s talky, and the inversion of the Doctor’s strengths against him is a bit by-the-numbers, and at the end of the day the terrified passengers *are right* — she really is a monster, and throwing her out the airlock isn’t a half bad idea. So it’s a story where the mystery is never explained, /and/ a story where the Doctor loses, /and/ a story where the Doctor was wrong. Any of those would be fine; all three together is a bit much.
Doug M.