January Books 10) The Undiscovered Chekhov

This is a collection of 50 short stories by Anton Chekhov, dating from the 1881-1886 period before he hit the big time, none of them apparently published in English before 1999. I have not read any Chekhov (I tried one of the plays as a teenager, but bounced off the dramatis personæ) so this was fairly new territory. The stories are all very short – the total length of the book is only 234 pages; even so they are interesting enough, reflecting contemporary Russian urban lifestyles, especially if you happen to be a young doctor. A number of them take interesting narrative forms – telegrams, diary entries, dreams. Most of them are meant to be funny, but some of the humour has definitely faded over the centuries. An introduction to a Great Writer previously unknown to me, which has done me no harm at all.

None of the stories passes the Bechdel test; I think I spotted two occasions where a female character addressed a group of people including another female character, but in both cases talking about a man.

One thought on “January Books 10) The Undiscovered Chekhov

  1. Unless it’s your hard disk that has given up the ghost, your computer might not be as dead as you think. If you have a computer shop, it should be able to extract your data, reformat the drive (I suspect that just a part of it is corrupted, which is a bit holding the important boot-up code) and put the old data back. Whether it’s cost-efficient to do so is more of a debate. Mending it is greener. Buying a new one is better for the economy!


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