- Mon, 17:31: The fiends! https://t.co/HOVW2ddRjZ
- Mon, 17:36: RT @deeharvey: @nwbrux A cunning plan.
- Mon, 19:25: RT @setoacnna: Ok, long dull thread on the decision in AEA v EHRC and the legal feminist blog’s piece on it. Find the decision here. https:…
- Mon, 19:26: RT @setoacnna: Coda I hadn’t realise that AEA still aren’t admitting they are wrong and they think the problem is the judge just didn’t und…
- Mon, 20:08: RT @clanwilliam: Gorgeous light in north Flanders as I head home from a lovely day where I saw @nwbrux, @NoelWhite2013, @patrickwhite06, @N…
Have you seen this piece?
‘Forget the politics – Brexit may be unlawful’
The author, Philip Allott, is Professor Emeritus of International Public Law, University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Trinity College.