My tweets

  • Thu, 18:17: RT @Mij_Europe: The speed at which consensus has switched on @BorisJohnson – from Teflon/defies gravity to inevitability of his departure i…
  • Thu, 18:42: The second paragraph of the third chapter: 2021 so far
  • Fri, 07:41: Christchurch 1993 was the only GB election I ever campaigned in, helping the Lib Dems get what is still (just!) the biggest Tory-to-Lib swing ever. Ironically I am now quite friendly with Rob Hayward, the losing Tory in that election!
  • Fri, 08:12: RT @pmdfoster: As a Shropshire lad, born and bred, the #NorthShropshire result is completely amazing. Really didn’t believe that was possib…

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