My tweets

  • Thu, 12:08: RT @DivisMountain: Once again British PM repeats the line that only State actors are being investigated at present , in clear contradiction…
  • Thu, 12:08: RT @SorchaEastwood: Disappointed and dismayed that Theresa May giving factually incorrect information again from the dispatch box. Chief Co…
  • Thu, 12:56: In the matter of an application by the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission for Judicial Review (Northern Irela…
  • Thu, 14:13: RT @JamesCrisp6: Got in touch with an EU contact in Brussels to get a sense of how the David Davis vs May Brexit ding dong was being viewed…
  • Thu, 16:05: Andrew O’Hagan’s Grenfell essay attacks “the narrative” – but creates a flawed one of its own A robust critique.
  • Thu, 17:51: RT @AlbertoNardelli: A short thread. The shit show that is the backstop debate currently taking place in Britain perfectly exemplifies the…
  • Thu, 18:10: In Other Lands, by Sarah Rees Brennan
  • Thu, 20:00: RT @MSmithsonPB: A year ago tonight the final GE2017 polls were being published and it looked as though Mrs. May was on target to get her i…
  • Thu, 20:48: RT @LucDockendorf: I don’t usually tweet from informal meetings, but someone just described the fight for #democracy & the rules-based inte…
  • Fri, 08:08: RT @UKUN_NewYork: This week at the UN: The 5th round of negotiations on the #GlobalCompactMigration are underway. For the 1st time, count…

One thought on “My tweets

  1. I have had the same experiences. And there never seem to be advance fares for peak times (the Friday evening Birmingham – Manchester line in particular).

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