Sat, 12:56: RT @simonjhix: This really is an extremely articulate explanation of the problems of Brexit, far clearer and more sophisticated than anythi…
Sat, 14:45: RT @quartzen: It bothers me that I keep seeing posts about James Barry talking about his “secret.” As far as I can tell, he was quite open…
Sat, 14:45: RT @jimfitzpatrick: Found this old sketch of Bobby Kennedy, one of my heroes then+now. Bobby and JFK stood up to the White Suprematists of…
Sat, 16:05: British Concentration Camps: A Response to Jacob Rees-Mogg Just in case you were not clear on the detail.
Sat, 17:00: RT @Dublin2019: Membership prices rise Monday 18th February at 00:01 – Dublin time. Attending Adult Membership will rise to €235 Young Adu…
Silverberg’s hit-or-miss for me, but _Lord Valentine’s Castle_ is one of my favorite books of all time; Valentine himself is one of my favorite heroes.
Silverberg’s hit-or-miss for me, but _Lord Valentine’s Castle_ is one of my favorite books of all time; Valentine himself is one of my favorite heroes.