- Mon, 12:56: Worldcon 75 WSFS Division Post-Con Report https://t.co/pFVjBaVed7 My DH writes.
- Mon, 13:48: RT @MSmithsonPB: Chart of the Opinium did you believe the Leave “�350 m a week to the NHS” claim? Via @tomholder https://t.co/gdqehUJ6mR
- Mon, 14:49: RT @JolyonMaugham: Economists for Brexit. But not for you (https://t.co/v6kvwHXaGC). https://t.co/1tbDFt0q1g
- Mon, 14:55: Very sorry to hear this. Probably the most important sf author I ever met. https://t.co/IHVINfYPuO
- Mon, 15:08: Brian Aldiss, 1925-2017 https://t.co/GOe2xz3e9G
- Mon, 16:06: Five sf novels that stay in my mind https://t.co/XpwTR4kMGj
- Mon, 16:30: RT @StevePeers: A “Labour” MP praising an economist who backed 1980s unemployment and the poll tax, then opposed the minimum wage. A consta…
- Mon, 16:31: RT @iannmcdonald: Just learned of the passing of the incomparable Brian Aldiss. An immense loss to my genre
- Mon, 17:13: RT @stephenkinsella: Reading UK #Brexit docs re: Ireland & Northern Ireland carefully for @sundaybusiness column. I made a weasel phrase tr…
- Mon, 20:22: Brilliant thread. https://t.co/khBrcoQdFY
- Mon, 20:48: RT @petertimmins3: A short history of the UK’S relationship with the EU #brexit https://t.co/NKKFyNk0fG
- Tue, 08:37: RT @jonlis1: Have been thinking a lot about this. If Govt wanted to sabotage Brexit from within- how would it look different from Govt we a…
- Tue, 09:14: Good. https://t.co/SR1s6wJCTt
- Tue, 10:14: RT @AlbertoNardelli: This is the thing: at their core, UK proposals thus far fundamentally amount to cherry picking https://t.co/eHvmgfSFG3
- Tue, 10:45: Leaver thread that I actually mostly agree with! https://t.co/wLfMtIRm4F
- Tue, 11:51: V sad that we lost @TonydeBrum – tremendous personality & great fighter for his country & against climate change.… https://t.co/tFT25JIOhN