Whoniversaries 13 November

broadcast and webcast anniversaries

13 November 1966: broadcast of “The Nightmare Begins”, first episode of the story we now know as The Daleks’ Master Plan. First appearance of Nicholas Courtney, as Bret Vyon who captures the Tardis after Brian Cant’s character is killed on the planet Kembel. Meanwhile Mavic Chen, the Guardian of the Solar System, announces that he is going on holiday. In fact, he is in alliance with the Daleks.

13 November 1977: broadcast of third episode of The Deadly Assassin. The Doctor and Chancellor Goth battle through the nightmarish world of the Matrix, one of the most memorable of Who episodes.

13 November 2003: webcast of first episode of Scream of the Shalka starring Richard E. Grant as the other Ninth Doctor. The Tardis lands in the English town of Lannet, where peculiar volcanic eruptions are taking place and he meets Alison the barmaid.

13 November 2009: broadcast of second part of Mona Lisa’s Revenge. Mona Lisa attempts to unleash The Abomination upon the world, but is thwarted by Sarah’s gang with the assistance of K9.

13 November 2010: broadcast of Hound of the Korven (K9).

One thought on “Whoniversaries 13 November

  1. Note that even this article doesn’t acknowledge that the article on his novel never even contained the sentence he complains about.

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