8 November 1956: birth of Richard Curtis, executive producer of The Curse of Fatal Death (1999) and writer of Vincent and the Doctor (2010)
8 November 1975: broadcast of third episode of Pyramids of Mars. The Doctor and Sarah fail to blow up the rocket, and the Doctor is transported to Sutekh’s chamber.
8 November 1980: broadcast of third episode of Full Circle. The Doctor and Dexeter analyse their samples, but Romana lets the Marshmen onto the starliner.
8 November 1986: broadcast of second episode of Terror of the Vervoids (ToaTL #10). One of the Mogarians turns out to be a detective in disguise, and the Isolation Room contains a plant/human hybrid.
8 November 1989: broadcast of third episode of The Curse of Fenric. The Haemovores attack the church and Judson is possessed by Fenric.
8 November 2010: broadcast of first episode of Lost in Time (SJA).
Thanks – all sorted now, but I am grateful for the contact!