BSFA Long Lists – the Goodreads / LibraryThing stats #BSFAAwards2024

The BSFA long lists are out again. Some of them are longer than others. As usual, I’ve run them through the Goodreads and LibraryThing catalogues to see which of the longlisted works have scored on the two biggest book reviewing websites.

Not very surprisingly, this doesn’t work for the 23 longlisted works for Best Artwork, nor for the 26 longlisted works for Best Short Non-Fiction, none of which have been logged as separate publications by GR or LT users. For the other categories, the highest and median numbers for each system are as follows:

CategoryGR highestGR medianLT highestLT median
Best Novel102,9563981,43235
Best Fiction for Younger Readers88,111428.587830
Best Shorter Fiction5,26071861
Best Collection5,253111584
Best Non-Fiction (Long)1292311
Best Short Fiction1640100
Best Original Audio Fiction53030

Unlike last year, thee of the eight long-listees for Best Original Audio Fiction do feature on both Goodreads and LibraryThing. All three are Big Finish audios.

Title AuthorGRLT
Doctor Who: The Quin DilemmaChapman, Valentine, Rayner533
Torchwood: The Hollow ChoirMarshall, Devlin272
Torchwood: Bad ConnectionAaron Lamont232

The Best Short Fiction longlist features no less than 80 stories, of which I was able to find three which have been published separately and thus feature in the online catalogues.

Title AuthorGRLT
SpillCory Doctorow16410
Evan: A RemainderJordan Kurella782
Unquiet on the Eastern FrontWole Talabi152

Ten of the seventeen long-listed works in the Best Non-Fiction (Long) category are on either Goodreads of LibraryThing or both. Two of the other seven are podcasts, which wouldn’t usually score anyway. The ten which do feature are:

Title AuthorGRLT
Everything Must GoDorian Lynskey12931
Speculative WhitenessJordan S. Carroll234
Track ChangesAbigail Nussbaum85
Spec Fic for Newbies Volume 2Angus, Nolan53
The Book BlindersJohn Clute33
Afro-Centered Futurisms in Our Speculative FictionEugen Bacon (ed)23
Urban FantasyStefan Ekman21
Utopia on the TabletopJo Lindsay Walton02
The Boom and The BoomGuanghzhao Lyu10
Three, Two, One, Let’s Jam! Satoru Stevenson10

I was able to find 48 of the 51 long-listees for Best Collection on one system or the other.

Title AuthorGRLT
Your UtopiaBora Chung3140158
She’s Always HungryEliza Clarke525362
Mystery LightsLena Valencia53240
New Adventures in Space OperaJonathan Strahan (ed)19631
Convergence ProblemsWole Talabi20928
The Inhumans and Other StoriesBodhisattva Chattopadh(ed)4822
I Want That Twink ObliteratedChris McCartney4113
North Continent RibbonUrsula Whitcher339
A Jura for JuliaKen Macleod1114
Pick Your PotionEphiny Gale503
Deep DreamIndrapramit Das (ed)147
To the Stars and BackIan Whates (ed)147
Calvaria FellSparks & Warren127
Limelight and Other StoriesLyndsey Croal382
Elephants in BloomCecile Cristofari710
Back Through the Flaming DoorLiz Williams88
Discontinue if Death EnsuesGyzander & Taborska (eds)173
The Butterfly DisjunctStewart C. Baker411
Nova Scotia Volume 2Williamson & Wilson (eds)66
HeartwoodDan Coxon (ed)311
Laughs in SpaceDonna Scott (ed)74
The Utopia of UsTeika Marja Smits (ed)55
Drive or be DrivenAliya Whiteley38
The Mad Butterfly’s BallGrassman & Kelso (eds)73
Our Savage HeartJustina Robson210
Bestiary of BloodJamal Hodge (ed)141
Different Kinds of DefianceRenan Bernardo141
Egypt + 100Ahmed Naji (ed)141
All Tomorrow’s FuturesBenjamin Greenaway (ed)43
Schrodinger’s Wife (And Other Possibilities)Pippa Goldschmidt52
Little Sisters & Other StoriesVonda N. McIntyre33
GallusFaulds, Milton & Williamson (eds)42
A Stitch Between WorldsFrazier Armitage71
Cursed ShardsLeanbh Pearson (ed)32
Human ResourcesFiona Moore14
Three Curses & Other Dark TalesLeanbh Pearson11
The NeurodiverseiverseFrancis & Olmsted (eds)180
A Night so Dark and Full of StarsNikky Lee120
Fight Like a Girl 2Clarke & Hall (eds)80
Offshoots: Humanity TwiggedJuliana Rew80
The Year’s Best African Speculative Fiction (2023)Ekpeki & Eziaghighala (eds)70
A Place Between Waking and ForgettingEugen Bacon50
Extrasensory OverloadChun Hyon Lee (ed)30
Sunflowers in the SnowDawn Bonnano30
Different Times and Other PlacesJuliet Mckenna10
Out of the Window Into the DarkMarian Womack10
Triangulation: HospitiumBrandon Ketchum (ed)01
Weathering YouthDawn Vogel10

In the Best Shorter Fiction category, 23 of the 41 long-listed works feature on LibraryThing and 25 on Goodreads; almost all of the rest are periodical or website publications.

Title AuthorGRLT
The Butcher of the ForestPremee Mohammed5,260186
It Lasts Forever and Then It’s OverAnne de Marken4,733122
The Imposition of Unnecessary ObstaclesMalka Older2,090159
The Practice, The Horizon and the ChainSofia Samatar1,455102
Lost Ark DreamingSuyi Davies Okungbowa98258
Saturation PointAdrian Tchakovksy1,45934
Navigational EntanglementsAliette de Bodard48064
CountessSuzan Palumbo34135
Unexploded RemnantsElaine Gallagher20130
The Dragonfly GambitA.D. Sui13512
A Cursed HuntRebecca Grey964
12 HoursL. Marie Wood424
Charlie SaysNeil Williamson283
Elephants in BloomCecile Cristofari710
Songs for the ShadowsCheryl S. Ntumy134
Ghost ApparentJelena Dunato511
The Year of ReturnAkotowaa Ivana Ofori411
No SympathyEoin Dooley321
The Last to DrownLorraine Wilson291
Star Pattern TravellerJoyce Ch’ng64
LunaAllen Stroud102
Waypoint SevenXan van Rooyen61
The Runemaster’s DaughterLawrence Schoen21
JezeroAllen Stroud70
ChimeraChinaza Eziaghigala10

All fourteen of the long-listed works in the Best Fiction for Younger Readers category score on both systems.

Title AuthorGRLT
Somewhere Beyond the SeaT J Klune88,811878
Immortal DarkTigest Girma11,881462
SnowglobeSoyoung Park4,177163
Blood at the RootLaDarrion Williams2,767112
SonglightMoira Buffini1,34467
Until We ShatterKate Dylan94685
The Dividing SkyJill Tew49128
RedsightMeredith Mooring36632
Doctor Who: CagedUna McCormack16113
Benny Ramirez and the Nearly DepartedJose Pablo Iriarte11311
BraidedLeah Cypess534
WayfindersBryan Chick593
Rebel DawnAnn Sei Lin402
The Rarkyn’s FallNikky Lee161

And finally, with apologies for the length of this post, all 61 of the works long-listed for Best Novel are on Goodreads and/or LibraryThing. (59 on GR and 60 on LT.) On the version of the long-list I was working from, one novel was actually listed twice, but I’ve only listed it once here (and there’s another which also features in the Best Shorter Fiction list).

Title AuthorGRLT
The Ministry of TimeKaliane Bradley102,9561,432
Emily Wilde’s Map of the OtherlandsHeather Fawcett64,5691,022
A Sorceress Comes To CallT. Kingfisher25,913716
An Education in MaliceS. T. Gibson16,561400
The Teller of Small FortunesJulie Leong11,357521
The Book of LoveKelly Link7,027378
Someone You can Build a Nest InJohn Wiswell8,063278
Alien ClayAdrian Tchaikovsky6,253218
AbsolutionJeff Vandermeer4,517279
FathomfolkEliza Chan3,341365
Private RitesJulia Armfield5,658155
Floating HotelGrace Curtis2,790177
The Mars HouseNatasha Pulley2,666167
House of Open WoundsAdrian Tchaikovsky2,347163
Machine VendettaAlastair Reynolds2,978128
Womb CityTlotlo Tsamaase2,193132
The Principle of MomentsEsme Jikiemi-Pearson1,209200
The Great WhenAlan Moore1,196195
The Briar Book of the DeadA G Slatter2,163105
The BezzleCory Doctorow1,789125
RakesfallVajra Chandrasekera62291
Deep BlackMiles Cameron1,28341
AsunderKerstin Hall79557
The Wings Upon Her BackSamantha Mills61573
Lady Eve’s Last ConRebecca Fraimow59469
Navigational EntanglementsAliette de Bodard48064
CalypsoOliver K. Langmead42247
The Legacy of Arniston HouseT. L. Huchu52636
On Vicious WorldsBethany Jacobs58824
The Last ShieldCameron Johnstone39831
RedsightMeredith Mooring36633
Beyond the Light HorizonKen Mcleod41527
The Siege of Burning GrassPremee Mohammed28137
Lake of DarknessAdam Roberts23532
The Collapsing WaveDoug Johnstone36117
Three Eight OneAliya Whiteley20130
The NightwardR. S. A. Garcia16136
Archangels of FunkAndrea Hairston14735
MorphotrophicGreg Egan20311
The Book of GoldRuth Frances Long10121
ArchipelagoH. R. Hawkins2017
Ninth LifeStark Holborn10311
The Tapestry of TimeKate Heartfield10610
ExtremophileIan Green9411
The Green Man’s WarJuliet Mckenna1088
Grim RootBonnie Jo Stufflebeam1217
Sleeping Worlds Have No MemoryYaroslav Barsukov918
We Are All Ghosts in the ForestLorraine Wilson926
The Heart of WinterShona Kinsella856
ConquistDirk Strasser405
InversionsM.V. Melcer363
VigilanceAllen Stroud166
Dark ShepherdFred Gambino136
Rabbit in the MoonFiona Moore55
Her Gilded VoiceK.C. Aegis241
Three Men in OrbitSandra Bond46
WatermythAnita Harris Satkunan82
The HeadlandAbi Curtis101
The FactoryIhor Mysiak04
Dakini AtollNikhil Singh02
That Perfect WorldBXMN10

As I said last year, I don’t really know how useful a long-list of 51, 61 or indeed 80 can be. I appreciate that awards can call attention to otherwise overlooked work, but a) I’m not convinced that an award decided by popular vote, as the BSFA and Hugo Awards are, is the best vehicle for doing that and b) this is best done with a short list, not a long list where the most interesting stuff risks getting lost in the crowd.