From the Procrastinator’s Handbook, chapter 1

Make a list of little and big rewards (which you can provide) to motivate yourself to do a task or job that you tend to put off.

Little Rewards (for completing little jobs)

  • posting to LiveJournal!
  • cup of coffee
  • evening pint after work
  • surfing the net

Big Rewards (for completing big jobs)

  • trip to bookshop
  • buy expensive book
  • going out for dinner

Great Fabulous Rewards (for completing life-changing accomplishments)

  • weekend away with Anne

One thought on “From the Procrastinator’s Handbook, chapter 1

  1. I’m undecided which Pratchett is my favourite, and I haven’t read all of them. I went off him for a while, but then I picked up Thud from the library and loved that so I’m willing to give more of his recent stuff a try.

    The first two I read were Pyramids and Guards, Guards and I laughed out loud all the way through both. Since then it’s been a law of diminishing returns for me.

    I thought the wizards were funny for a while, but that joke wore really thin. I loathe anything to do with Nanny Ogg and Granny Weatherwax – I don’t think I ever thought they were amusing. My loyalty lies with the Watch books – I can think of good reasons why I should dislike some of the Watch characters, but I like them all.

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