- Top orchestra quits Britain over Brexit migration clampdown
- #takingbackcontrol by kicking out foreign musicians.
(tags: ukpolitics music eu brexit ) - The Pence Gambit
- How the Trump presidency might end.
(tags: uspolitics ) - Reconstruction: The full incredible story behind Russia’s deadly plot to stop Montenegro embracing the West
- Now public.
(tags: montenegro russia nato ) - Anastasiades is starting to sound like the rejectionists
- Cyprus Mail’s editorial is only a little milder than its columnist.
(tags: cyprus ) - Our Miserable 21st Century
- A right-wing essay which none the less points out many failures of the US economy.
(tags: Uspolitics )
I really enjoyed The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox, and Is It Just Me?.
I severely disliked I Don’t Know How She Does It (if you’ve ever read Private Eye’s Polly Filler column, you needn’t bother reading this book).