My tweets

One thought on “My tweets

  1. I am not sure I’d thought of Double Deckers in 20 years until I saw your first post in this series, and am now reading back. I remember “not liking it much” but I think that’s a false memory from later; like so many children’s BBC shows, there were a few episodes repeated multiple times and I think I’d just seen them all rather often.

    Despite the various stereotyping mis-steps, this show (1971!) features a fairly diverse bunch of kids.

    I don’t think the Trafalgar Square shot was as expensive or tricky as you think; getting a pigeon to sit on your head or fly into your hand was trivial with birdseed in 1971 (the problem would be having only one) and there are people in the back of the shot visibly looking at the camera.

    Entire episode (dubbed into French, which matters remarkably little) —

    Most shocking for me — repeated examples of throwing hot water over kids, either accidentally or deliberately. Definitely one for the “not found in 21st century kids’ shows” list.

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